Nature Support For November


Crystals for the month:

Amethyst and Clear Quartz

  • Amethyst is a great ally for moving forward, soothing ruminating thoughts, calms an active mind, cultivates a general sense of being present where you are in your life and body while nurturing a rich inner landscape of acceptance and gratitude.

  • Clear Quartz is an amplifier, work with this gem under your bed/pillow for dream recall and a vivid dreamscape, great addition for altar work and magnetizing what you want more of in your life (think of this crystal as a huge magnifying glass.) Great for showing you what you want to know that may even be hidden.

Get hands on?! Curious about how to work with these gems?! Here are a few practices: Sitting with the crystal in your hands and tune into what comes up ( a memory, color, sensation), trusting the inspired action that flows through pretaining to the crystal, adding them to your self care routine, place them around your house and or office space, even energetically charge your jams (amethyst) or herbal culinary dishes as a warm aid in what you are working through or calling into your life. The week I gave worn Amethyst bracelet on my wrist and have clear quarts under my pillow or on my altar. You can even script your own petitions or letters of gratitude and roll the small paper towards you (fold or roll toward you to recieve and away from you to dispel and release) then anoit the four corners with oil and cinnamon and rosemary then place clear quartz on top.

If you’d like to work with these energies of these crystals you don’t need the physical gem. Simply find your favorite photo of the gems and work with it though a picture or mentally bring it forth in your minds eye through visualization, within your aura or imagine yourself simply playing with them.

Animal of the Month:

  • Grasshopper: For me the grasshopper is a powerful guide that is a great reminder to take one day at a time. To honor your pace without the feeling of needing to catch up to something or someone. Allow in ease and effortlessness. Allow yourself to slow down while also celebrating yourself and acknowledging how far you’ve come. As we enter into winter in the next few weeks may you allow yourself to Honor the rest that your mind and spirit are pulling you forth. Honor your heart’s desires this season for you need not another’s permission to grant you access for what you know is True for you.

    Gentle Self Inquiry: Where in your life are you trying to rush to get to/or rush to be? What are you running away from? What happens when you allow in trust of divine timing? Trust that you are where you need to be simply because you are already there.

Elements of the Month:

Wind & Water: It’s fall here for me in Hawaii and yes believe it or not there are actual seasons on the islands. I live way up north so we get large amounts of rainfall and very windy nights here being so close to the mountains. How have you noticed the wind and rain showing up in your life lately? What do these elements invoke in you? Be it literally or metaphorically. If there is any aspect of your life (or body) where you perceive yourself as stuck, stiff or at a cross roads call on these elements for support.

Simple Practices: Invoking the elements (through invocations), ecstatic dancing, acupuncture, breathing practices, bathing (adding herbs and aromatherapy into your shower and bath routine) , dancing in the rain, intuitive smoke readings (burning incense, resins and Oud), blessing your water (intentionally speaking loving messages and prayers over your water. - (water has consciousness and holds memories that we even forget.), collecting rainwater for ceremony or gardening, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping (emotions are released like the winds and space is cleared within the body and there is a nervous system recalibration), crafting yummy teas and botanical elixirs and placing warm cloths on tension/pain points on the body.

Flower Essence Combination Elixir:

Star of Bethlehem - really great support for those who are grieving: loved ones, past versions of themselves, unrequited love, disappointment that something didn’t work out, unexpected and unwanted news. Also a great support for those who have gone through trauma physically (abuse and wear and tear in the body, mentally and emotionally. Helps process anger, agitation agony and adversity. Elicits hope, faith, acceptance and forgiveness, soothes fears/and nervous system and build stronger capabilities to be with the inevitable.

Honeysuckle: great ally for walking through the fire, thresholds, liminal space, and times of great release and shapeshifting. Encourages us to release past pains and regrets by helping us learn from those experiences through compassion and rebalancing. Honeysuckle gives us permission to become attuned to Truth and to cherish the past by applying the lessons to the present moment without reliving it. Elicits coming back to the present moment and releasing our frustrations, sorrows and perceived mistakes that hold us back. Honeysuckle is gentle and holds us softly and reminds us it’s okay to cry. That processing our pain is safe, necessary and normal. I worked with the flower in a foot soak while in the service industry field and had an acute foot pains.

Chicory: supports in devotion to Self and pouring love back into yourself. Chicory aids us in letting go of expectations of others, enmeshment and criticizing others emotionally. She teaches us the importance and remembrance that to love means that we respects our own and others freedom and choices. We can give ourselves attention, validation and appreciation that we require without trying to change or guilt those around us, Loving ourself without perceiving ourself as lacking. Elicits:carrying for and noticing strengths in one’s own inner child, giving love and adoration to self

Yew tree: known to be the oldest living native tree in Europe with fossils dating back to 200 million years. Sacred tree in many cultures as well as a poisonous. This tree has a history of protecting scared burial grounds and sacred places. The Yew tree can help with processing memories or feeling of disconnection and emotional healing within large spans of generations. Great for times of transition and when one needs grounding in their life purpose. Yew tree is a reminder of Home and Unity. That we are welcome here, we are wanted and we belong. Useful for root chakra work and embodying more safety.

Rose: heart soother, nourisher, and aid to remember love's presence within you. Wild Rose flower essence teaches us to feel our emotions with compassion, levity, and sweetness without closing down our heart. She is great ally to support in transition, grief, boundaries, and helps remember that giving and receiving happens in equal balance. She provides emotional tenderness and fortudide to our grievance. She is associated with Venus and with the element of air bringing exuberance, flow, intimacy and interconnectedness.

I have yet to create this flower remedy ( or any multi-flower essence bottle) in the shop. I recieved a download to share these allies in this particular blog. My hope is that you are able to open yourself to these plant companions to receive extra support and nourishment this season.

Herb of the Month:

There is a call for a focus on Immune Building, Digestive Support, and Warming Rooting plant support.

Ex: Ginger, Coriander, Anise, Cloves, Cinnamon, Astragalus and Burdock root.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this article. Each and everyone of you matter and is needed in the world. If there was something that resonated with you or was an “Aha” moment in the writing please share. I’d love to hear from you! Take good care and journey with ease this month. See you soon.

P.S. I have a yummy botanical immune boosting mocktail for the season that feature a few of the herbs for the month! Sign up for my newsletter to receive the recipe and to hear about the next upcoming workshop with a surprise bonus.